=============High Quality Services===========
LADD uses a “whole person” person centered approach to services; we provide coordination of care and address the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of the individuals we support! Our Direct Care Professionals build relationships with each person supported and are trained to give them the supports they need:
- Intensive Employee Screening and Training Process
-- Criminal history, Background checks, and Drug screening
-- Extensive Training program in numerous areas to meet the physical, mental and emotional needs of the people supported!
- We provide individualized Staffing Services with highly qualified personnel paid through insurance plans, Medicaid, and Community Mental Health. Assistance is provided according to individual health and safety needs, to assist with community access, safety and personal skill development.
OFFICES LOCATED: Dowagiac Michigan – currently serving Berrien, Calhoun, Cass, and Van Buren Counties.
Specialized Residential

A Specialized Residential Home is a licensed
home that is overseen by the State of
Michigan and the local Community Mental
Health Authority in that region. Specific
rules and regulations are in place to meet
the standards of the licensing body and
the local Community Mental Health Authority.
Community Living Supports

Community Living Services (CLS) offers
support services for individuals to live as
independently as possible in the community.
This assistance is provided in a person’s
own home, family home, shared apartment
or other living arrangement or maybe
provided in a community based program.
Respite Services

Respite Services are provided for short
periods of time to relieve the person’s family
or other primary caregiver(s) from daily
stress and care demands during times when
they are providing care.
Supported Employment

Supported Employment assists people to
choose, obtain and maintain community
based employment.
Supported Independent Living

LADD offers a variety of support services provided by
trained staff to assist people in their own home work towards their independence or provide them assistance in accessing community resources.
If you need assistance in determining the local Community Mental Health Agency in your area please contact us at services@laddinc.net.